Network game in the Warhammer Soulstorm through GameSpy
GameSpy Industries, Inc., Better known simply as GameSpy - division of IGN Entertainment,
operates a chain of gaming sites and provides services for the online gaming service.
Setting game:
1. For the game must have a licensed version 1.2.0.
2. Go in the game, "Multiplayer" -> "Internet".
3. Click "Create Account", checking in.
4. Connecting.
5. Click "Connect".
6. Create your own server or join an already existing and have fun !
Setting game:
1. For the game must have a licensed version 1.2.0.
2. Go in the game, "Multiplayer" -> "Internet".
3. Click "Create Account", checking in.
4. Connecting.
5. Click "Connect".
6. Create your own server or join an already existing and have fun !